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The Only Choice: Peaceful Coexistence By Gus Hall


GUS HALL is the leading Communist spokesman in this country. During the past year, he has spoken to thousands of students at colleges across the country and has been seen and heard by millions of Americans on television and radio.
Mr. Hall’s advocacy of peaceful coexistence of countries with different social systems and his unqualified stand against thermo nuclear war has received wide attention. His elaboration of Marx ism-Leninism in relation to the American scene and his advocacy of a peaceful transition to socialism has seriously challenged the falsehoods and slanders made against Communists. In this pamphlet he discusses issues which are of importance to all Americans.
Mr. Hall served an eight-year sentence in Federal prison as one of the top leaders of the Communist Party on a frame-up charge under the fascist-like provisions of the Smith Act. He has also been under indictment on the “membership section” of the Smith Act since 1948 and is presently under bail and court restriction on that charge.
Together with Benjamin J. Davis, Mr. Hall is today facing trial for refusing to register the Communist Party under the odious defi nitions of the McCarran Act. They face possible sentences of up to $60,000 in fines and thirty years imprisonment; their trial is now pending.
The case of the Communist Party is now before the Court of Appeals in a stand against the McCarran Act that is made in de fense of the rights and constitutional liberties of all Americans.

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Publication Date: June 23, 2020
Pages: 56
Binding: Paperback

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Weight 0.116 kg


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