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Worker Correspondents


This small pamphlet is a how-to guide for workers to contribute journalism to the labor and communist press—an American reflection of the RabKorr (Workers Correspondence) movement in the USSR. The tract’s author, William F. “Bill” Dunne, himself had an extensive track record in labor journalism as long-time editor of the Butte [Montana] Bulletin.

“Worker correspondents differ from professional journalists in that they are part of the labor and revolutionary movement and fight actively in the struggles of which they write,” Dunne remarks. He notes that journalism is a “class affair” upon which “the ruling class puts its stamp … just as it stamps every other form of social activity.”

SKU: qr2rrj Category:


Publication Date: September 12, 2023
Pages: 39
Binding: Paperback

Additional information

Weight 0.113 kg


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